Monday, December 1, 2008

Vozvrashcheniye/ The Return

Director: Andrei Zvyagintsev
Country: Russia
Year: 2003
Cast: Vladimir Garin, Ivan Dobronravov, Konstantin Lavronenko, Natalya Vdovina.
Rating: *** (out of ****)

This is the second movie I have watched from Russia. There's a unique quality about both Stalker and The Return. The camera angles and movements seem to have something to tell, to convey. The cinematography by Mikhail Kritchman is chilling, with muted bluish, greenish shades. There is anguish, sorrow, frustration, insecurity that's engulfing Ivan, in those frames, supported by great background score by Andrej Djorgatsjev. It's not like today's modern Hollywood style with rapid flash editing which, by the way, I don't have any problems with if used to serve some purpose rather that disorienting the poor viewer. Anyway, it's like the narration flows with the camera not giving a slightest hint what is going to happen. I really am finding short of adjectives to describe the climax. One thing I can tell you is, this is compelling, haunting and unusual motion picture that will linger in your head for more time than you expect.

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